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We've all had that Eureka moment when we think we mean something new. Sometimes we think and May even be a viable business behind it. So how do you go about protecting the idea, especially if it is so important and integral to the success of your business model?
to ask yourself some questions: Can I protect it so that my competitors can not copy me? How is it practical to do? How much will it cost me? Can it be implemented? Is this really that unique? Would you be better off just getting on and doing it?
To protect a business idea or model, there are five key areas that are not all that will be relevant for a particular job:
The law of confidence - this is a general duty of trust to protect confidential information and ideas from unauthorized use or disclosure and relevant to the early stages of a business idea or model. You can find out information and retain legal protection against unauthorized use or further disclosure, if (a) the information itself is not trivial, and (b) that was released in circumstances where the obligation of confidence exists. Read more about confidentiality agreements and non-disclosure agreement here.
Copyright - This protects the expression of ideas, not the ideas themselves, for example, software, text, images or design. Particular care should be taken with a photo and web site. We have seen many companies that were caught in connection vlasništva.Kreator work will usually be the first owner of copyright, but it can be "assigned" to someone else, which effectively transferred all their rights. This can leave the creator with something known as moral rights. Read more about using the © symbol here.
Patents - protect the ideas that are new unique procese.Jedinstvenost must be proven as part of the registration process, and it can be difficult and expensive hurdle. However, if you have an enforceable patent monopoly right to exploit these ideas.
Trademarks - it can be unregistered or registered. If you have a brand that you need to protect it could be for you. Do you know the difference between the ™ and ® symbols? Read our mini-guide:. Seven practical steps to protect their intellectual property here
Domain names - arguably the modern version of the marks, having registered the domain key (or can be useful and cheaper to get the trademarks, and be enough to warn others off using that brands.
design rights - such as signs and come in the form of registered and unregistered rights, and may be available to protect someone copying your design. They are easier than patents, and to provide useful and enforceable deterrent.
Once these some or all of these rights, you can use them to license them to third parties. It is best to formalize these into a license agreement that needs careful preparation to get maximum protection for your investment to ensure that royalties and other license income is secure.
two great places to look if you're new to the area more user-friendly and business focused [http:// www.intellectualproperty.]
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